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Перевод с английского языка cic на русский

I сокр. от circuit identification code код идентификации канала II сокр. от common impression cylinder общий печатный цилиндр
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   abbreviation  1. combat information center  2. counterintelligence corps ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  hosp. abbr. Critical Illness Cash hosp. abbr. Clean Intermittent Catheterization physiol. abbr. Crisis intervention clinic st. & loc. abbr. Cadet Instructor Cadre U.S. gov. abbr. Committee For Institutional Cooperation U.S. gov. abbr. Consumer Information Center U.S. gov. abbr. Commander In Chief U.S. gov. abbr. Counter Intelligence Corps transport. abbr. Completely In The Canal FBI files abbr. Counter Intelligence Corps of the U.S. Army mil. abbr. Change Identification Number mil. abbr. Combat in Cities mil. abbr. Combat Information Center mil. abbr. Combat Information Center (Air Force) mil. abbr. Command Information Center mil. abbr. Content Indicator Codes mil. abbr. Combat Integration Cell mil. abbr. Cadet Instructors Cadre mil. abbr. Cadet In Charge airport code Chico, California USA railroad abbr. Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway univ. abbr. Computer Integrated Courses univ. abbr. Census Industry Center univ. abbr. Computers Information Chemistry univ. abbr. The Center For Information And Communications univ. abbr. Campus Improvement Committee electron. abbr. Cleanroom interface chamber electron. abbr. Cascaded Integrated Comb hobby abbr. Coin Inlayed Chip funny abbr. Comes In Clogged funny abbr. Chris Is Cool funny abbr. Chicks In Charge funny abbr. Chimp In Chief softw. abbr. Crystal Information Communication comp. assem. abbr. Cancel If Close telec. abbr. Carrier Identification Code educ. abbr. Classroom Intervention Center religion abbr. Christians In Combat religion abbr. Christans In Combat law abbr. Children In Common conf. abbr. Collision Industry Conference gen. bus. abbr. Customer Interaction Center gen. bus. abbr. Census Industry Classification NYSE symbols Carson, Inc. pos. abbr. Certified Insurance Counselor st. exc. abbr. Chartered Investment Council bus. prod. abbr. Coverglass Interconnect Cell account. abbr. Chartered Investment Counselor chat abbr. Chat In Character lat. abbr. Codex Iuris Canonici ...
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